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That's a Vibe!


On those late weekday nights, I found myself going through tons of different types of music. Creating different playlist which might of been my way of me procrastinating from doing my homework... but aside from that, I found so many talented artist and great songs.

I was pretty shy back then when it came to sharing with others what music I was listening to. Not because I wanted to gatekeep the music I found, but because of the fear of getting made fun of, or them disliking the song. But as time went on, and more aux's got passed to me during late night car trips with friends, I started to gain more confidence with sharing what music I listen to. Putting a song on and seeing all my friends start bobbing their heads to the new song they just heard gave me rushes of serotonin. I realized I found lots of joy seeing my friends listen to songs I put them on, especially when they would share the song with others.

I think those moments in my life really showed me a passion in finding underground artists. That's why I chose to make a site on showcasing Asian artists, seeing and hearing new songs, singers, and producers always gives me tons of joy, and I want to share this joy with everyone!

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